Ebook Distribution

How will my ebooks be delivered?

Upon checkout, your digital goods will instantly be delivered via an email from BookFunnel. If the email hasn’t arrived within 5 minutes, check your spam, trash, and/or promotions folder, if you use Gmail.

If you have more than one email address, your products will be delivered to the one you entered during checkout.

For technical help with your digital order(s), email BookFunnel’s excellent customer service team: help@bookfunnel.com. They’ll usually respond within 24 hours of your request.

Your BookFunnel Library

You will find your library here:


Be sure to login to BookFunnel with the email you used to purchase/download your books.

Your library will contain all digital products that you’ve purchased from any and all authors who distribute through BookFunnel.

How will I read my ebook?

Books can be read on: Kindle Paperwhites, Kindle Fire tablets, Nook tablets, Kobo eReaders, Apple devices, Android tablets and phones, the BookFunnel app, and via your computer using Chrome or Firefox browser.

For a solution, simply install Chrome or Firefox on your computer, or download the BookFunnel app for any device, found here: https://getbookfunnel.com.

What happens with preorders?

When you purchase a preorder, you are charged at once by the payment method you selected. Your book is in a queue for automatic delivery on the projected release date. An email will be sent from BookFunnel with your download options on the scheduled release day.

If the email hasn’t arrived on that scheduled date, please check your spam, trash and promotion folders before contacting us for help. 

If you have more than one email address, the book will be delivered to the email you entered during checkout. 


BookFunnel Help for Ebooks

Find help here: https://bookfunnel.com/help.

The BookFunnel staff is responsive and will have you sorted in no time.

For more information, please check out our FAQ's section.